Since 2012, I have advised hundreds of graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and even seasoned professors on mastering the skills necessary to complete their projects
as easily and efficiently as possible, with a minimum of anxiety and a maximum of pleasure. Through one-on-one coaching, group sessions and two-day workshops, you quickly get up-to-date on the best practices in research, writing, publishing, presenting and creating job portfolios. You further learn how to juggle all these different aspects of academia while still having a life you enjoy through practicing effective time management and realistic goal-setting. Finally, you get support and guidance in envisioning and realizing a dream career through which your higher learning contributes to the good of a globalized world. |
ABOUT MEI grew up in Colorado and was raised in a family that taught me the value of education and communication. Already in elementary school, I got to work with international students, helping Vietnamese pupils with their writing. Later, in college, I worked as an English tutor for a program that helped immigrant students in their quest to master English and successfully complete their courses of study. Although I was the ostensible teacher in these situations, I found I learned just as much from those with whom I worked. These early life experiences have been the basis for my passion to advise both local and international researchers and help them succeed in an increasingly competitive and globalized academy.
In 2012, I received my Ph.D. in the History of Religions from the University of Chicago. During the course of my own studies and thereafter, I engaged actively in scholarship, presenting my work at international conferences in different countries, publishing my work with renowned scholarly journals and book publishers, and successfully gaining third-party funding to support my own research. I moved to Germany on a research grant from the German Academic Exchange Services, which allowed me to complete the research for my first book, Jung’s Wandering Archetype: Race and Religion in Analytical Psychology, published in 2016 by Routledge. I continued researching in Germany under the auspices of a four-year grant provided by the German Research Foundation (2017-2021). at the University of Marburg Department of the Study of Religions and the University of Toronto School of the Environment. The book manuscript for this research project is currently in progress.
Another successful seminar at the University of Mainz.
Taking a break with “Academic Career Search” participants at the University of Bern
"As a staff scientist and mother of three young children, I went into Carrie’s seminar feeling quite proficient about time management already. After all, I had managed to survive thus far! I was wrong. Certainly, during the seminar we learned many good techniques to structure our day-to-day work more productively, some of which I still use regularly to this day. But most treasurable to me was the long-term horizon being front and center during those two days. In her light, witty way, Carrie got us to step out of the hamster wheel for a minute and think about time management in terms of life management. All in all, her seminar had a huge impact, both on my change of career a year later, and on everything else."
Claudia Comito, Member, Federated Systems and Data Division, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS), Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) |