PLACES OF INSTRUCTIONDiversity is one of the strengths of my experience.
A hearty "thank you!" to all the researchers who have participated over the years in my workshops at the sites listed below: - Bielefeld University
- Catholic University of Eichstätt Ingolstadt - CECAD Research Center University of Cologne - DAAD (German Academic Exchange Services) I Bonn and Berlin - Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen - Economics Department of Georg-August- University of Göttingen - Else Kröner Colloquium of Medical Research - European University Viadrina - Federal Institute for Risk Assessment - Female Career Center of the University of Cologne - Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences - Free University of Berlin - Graduate Academy of Karlsruhe - HafenCity University of Hamburg - Heidelberg University - Heidelberg University of Education - Heidelberg University Dual-Career-Service - Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences - Heinrich-Heine- University of Düsseldorf - Humboldt University Graduate School - Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz - Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz Research School of Translational Biomedicine (TransMed) - Leuphana University - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Gender Studies - Ludwigsburg University of Education |
- Münster University of Applied Science
- Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg Medical Department. - Ruhr- University of Bochum - Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology University of Siegen - School of Education in Heidelberg - Study of Religions at the Universities of Zurich and Basel - Stuttgart University - University Hospital of Göttingen Georg-August University - University of Bern - University of Cologne a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School - University of Cologne Sociology and Social Research - University of Duisburg-Essen - University of Marburg MARA - University of Passau - University of Trier - Vienna Graduate School of Finance |